
There's A Reason Wisconsin Breaks Every Mold

25 Years
of Mastery

We've been making cheese longer than Wisconsin has been a state. Cheese is our thing. But when we created the Master Cheesemaker program, we had no idea the impact all that mastery would have. We couldn't foresee our dominance at award shows around the world, or that we would go on to make more kinds of cheese than anywhere else on the planet.

Our Masters
Guide The Whey

The program allows makers to perfect both the art and the science of their craft. They leave anxious to spread that knowledge throughout their teams. That's why the program is a quality multiplier that reverberates across the state and around the world.

Our Masters
Reinvent The Wheel

Masters leave the program with more than a medal. They leave hungrier to explore all that's possible with cheese. The program is a major reason we make over 600 different kinds of cheese, more than any other state or country.

Our Masters
Ace Every Test

We don't give Masters medals to just anyone. You have to really want it. You must be a licensed Wisconsin cheesemaker for 10 years, and then you have to focus on one type of cheese with coursework and regularly submitted samples for an additional 3 years. Easy, cheesey, right?

Download Directory

Hall of Fame

Select a Master for more info

  • Search by
Aaron Quick
Adam Buholzer
Allan Scott
Andy Hatch
Ben Shibler
Bill Hanson
Brian Jackson
Bruce Willis
Charles Henn
Chris Renard
Chris Roelli
Dan Omundson
Dan Szczepanski
Dave Buholzer
Dave Newman
Gary Grossen
Gerard Knaus
Jamie Fahrney
Jason Radke
Jeff Allen
Jeff Lebeau
Joe Widmer
John Moran
Jon Metzig
Jonathan Stender
Josh Krause
Ken DeMaa
Ken Heiman
Ken Kane
Kerry Henning
Kirk Auchue
Kirk Hansen
Larry Harris
Matt Erdley
Matt Henze
Michael Newman
Noah Deitelhoff
Pam Hodgson
Pat Doell
Randy Krahenbuhl
Randy LaGrander
Robert Wills
Ron Buholzer
Ryan LaGrander
Sara Griesbach
Scott Navarre
Shawn Sadler
Sid Cook
Steve Bechel
Steve Bierhals
Steve Buholzer
Steve Hurd
Steve Stettler
Tim Pehl
Timothy Stearns
Tom Blauert
Tom Dahmen
Tom Torkelson
Tony Hook