White Cheddar vs Orange Cheddar

White cheddar vs. orange cheddar: the great cheese debate

Cheddar is undoubtedly one of the world's favorite cheeses. It's also the source of a great debate between people who prefer white cheddar vs. orange cheddar cheese. White cheddar champions prefer the natural color of cheddar cheese – imperfections and all. Fans of orange cheddar cheese crave that iconic color that promises the tastebuds a creamy, tangy treat. Of course, when it comes to cheese debates, everyone's a winner as long as there's enough cheese to go around.

Here in Wisconsin, we don't often take sides in the white cheddar vs. orange cheddar debate. In part, that's because we know the flavor is the same with or without the orange coloring provided by annatto, the fruit of the achiote tree. It's also because we don't like to take sides when it comes to cheese – we love all the cheeses made by our 1,200 cheesemakers. But feel free to argue for white cheddar vs. orange cheddar all you want. We'll be happy to listen while we get our fill of both.

Pairing white cheddar vs. orange cheddar cheese

With white cheddar vs. orange cheddar cheese, pairing recommendations are essentially the same. The age and sharpness of the cheese is more important than its color.

Mild cheddars can pair with almost anything. With white wine, mild cheddar pairs nicely with chardonnay, pinot gris, or rose. For a nice red wine and cheese pairing, think merlot or pinot noir. In beer, try a frosty pint of American pale lager, IPA, or pilsner.

For aged cheddars, you'll want drinks that complement the piquant flavors of the cheese. An aged cheddar is perfect for a cabernet sauvignon or chianti pairing if you're drinking red wine. For whites, try a riesling, chardonnay, or cava. Malt beverages with a touch of sweetness will pair nicely with an aged cheddar – try a cider, bock, or Belgian ale.

Videos: Discover Your Next Favorite Cheese

FAQs: White cheddar vs. orange cheddar - what's the difference?

The only difference between white cheddar vs. orange cheddar is the natural vegetable coloring that is used to make orange cheddar. Most orange cheddar cheese today is made with annatto, the seed from the achiote tree of Central and South America.

White vs. orange cheddar: it's all better in Wisconsin

We don't sweat the white cheddar vs. orange cheddar debate in Wisconsin. We know whatever Wisconsin cheddar we choose, we're in for a flavor adventure. Our cheesemakers work tirelessly to produce the tastiest, highest-quality, most award-winning cheese on the planet. We have faith that whatever color of cheddar is on our plate, it's going to make our day.

So, next time you're deliberating over white cheddar vs. orange cheddar, as long as you see a Proudly Wisconsin Cheese badge on the label, you know you've chosen the better cheddar.

Craving award-winning aged cheddar, pining for parmesan, or searching for a new cheese to try? The world’s best cheese is just a click away! Explore our directory of Wisconsin cheesemakers and retailers who offer online cheese shopping and get cheese shipped right to your door. What are you waiting for?

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